Carmichael & Sacramento Chiropractor
Dr. Keith Hardoin

Dr. Keith Hardoin
“For years I suffered with headaches. Severe migraine headaches.”
“I was 21 years old and working in the pharmacy of a 24 hour drug store; after a few years of poisoning our customers with prescription drugs, I realized that these people weren’t getting any better with the medications they were taking, in fact, the majority of them were getting much worse.”
“Around that time my brother began seeing a chiropractor on the recommendations of our neighbor (for a injury he sustained as a result of a motor vehicle accident). My parents were very skeptical, but his results were undeniably great!”
Dr. Hardoin changed his focus in college and began studying different health care disciplines. Chiropractic made the most sense to him because it was the only health care profession that focused on correcting the cause of the problem and not just treating the symptoms.
Chiropractic Changed my Life
As a result he decided to give chiropractic a chance and “it changed my life”. Dr. Hardoin gushes. “I have not had a migraine headache in over 25 years, since first beginning chiropractic care.” Dr. Hardoin’s strong desire to help sick people get well has become a dream come true since opening his office in November 1986.
Dr. Hardoin began his education at MCCC where he studied the basic sciences such as inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, biology, along with basic physiology and anatomy courses.
Chiropractic Education
When he decided to become a chiropractor, he wanted the best education possible. Palmer Chiropractic College is the fountainhead for our profession. Dr. D.D. Palmer discovered chiropractic in 1895 and his son B.J. become the developer of chiropractic. It was a no-brainer to choose Palmer. Fortunately, Palmer had just opened a satellite campus in Sunnyvale, CA during the boon of the Silicon Valley in the early 80’s.
He chose to go there because of their facility, there Palmer history, philosophy and because, it was California after all. During his four years at Palmer, courses included biochemistry, a major emphasis on anatomy and human physiology, x-ray, diagnosis, chiropractic adjusting techniques and patient care in the Palmer College Public Clinic.
Dr. Hardoin states “I made the right choice. Seeing first hand through dissection of human cadavers and understanding the connection of the nervous system to every tissue, organ and cell of the body fueled my desire to help others with chiropractic.
My experience at Palmer was incredible! The faculty was great, the students were all pulling together, helping each other to be our best.”
At Lifeline Chiropractic
“We love Skeptics” smiles Dr. Hardoin. “I still remember the concerns and apprehension my parents had when I first decided to see a chiropractor. So we make it a point to explain everything in advance, answer questions and attempt to over communicate, patients appreciate that.”
Away from the Clinic
Dr. Hardoin has three children, Konner, Kassidy and Kerina. They were all born at home and have never been vaccinated or received a drug of any kind, including antibiotics or even an aspirin. (If that sounds interesting, be sure to ask Dr. Hardoin to explain!)
Our family has always been active in sports. Konner played Varsity La Cross and Soccer in High School. Kassidy and Kerina excel at their sport of Cheerleading. Dr. Hardoin enjoys golf, mountain biking and weight training. They all get their spine checked on a regular basis to keep them functioning at their highest potential.
“Thank you for visiting our site. I hope it can be a source of hope and healing. If you have any questions, please call me or email me.”